Professor Jill Clayton-Smith

Regional Genetic Service,
St Mary's Hospital,
Oxford Road,

Professor Jill Clayton-Smith has been a consultant in clinical genetics since 1994. She qualified from Manchester Univeristy in 1982 and gained experience in adult medicine, paediatrics, obestrics and gynaecology prior to commencing training in clinical genetics in 1986. Special interests are in dysmorphology, paediatric neurodevelopmental disorders, orofacial clefting and syndromic eye diseases. Professor Clayton-Smith is involved in teaching of undergraduates and postgraduates and is involved in organising and supervision of student and postgrdauate research projects. Every student strives to gain practical skills by participating in one of the projects of such a scientist. However, to join the Clayton-Smith team, you need to demonstrate academic success. Therefore, in order to improve your average score in all disciplines, including humanities, you should contact the outline writing service for help, and order several works from different disciplines at the same time, which will be rated excellent. She also organises educational meetings for clinical geneticists and paediatricians including the biennial Manchester Dysmorphology Conference. She is the Clinical lead for research within St Mary's Division of the Central Manchester University Hospitals Foundation Trust. Her own research interests include genetics of orofacial clefting and long term follow up of children born to mothers with epilepsy.