After running countless literature searches, sifting through huge piles of papers and encouraging our guideline development group members to complete literature reviews on tens of papers within very tight timeframes, and to join us in ‘exotic’ Manchester for consensus meetings, we are very pleased to announce that the DYSCERNE Clinical Management Guidelines for Angelman, Kabuki, Noonan and Williams syndromes are now available for download from the ‘Guidelines’ page of this website.
This page also contains details on the methodology developed and used to produce these guidelines, as well as contacts for further information on this aspect of the DYSCERNE project.
We would like to thank all members of each of the guideline development groups for their support and hard work in developing the DYSCERNE guidelines.
Feedback so far has been very positive and we hope that the documents will be useful tools in planning the management of people with these rare conditions.
Published 14/05/10